October 3, 2020

New Bacoban® Representation in Brazil

CCM and Ciclo Med Do Brasil Ltds of Sao Paulo / Brazil have made an agreement about the representation of the Bacoban® disinfectant range in Brazil.
August 8, 2020

Sunnbond new CCM representation in China

Sunnbond International Material Technology Co., Ltd. and CCM GmbH have agreed an exclusive co-operation. Sunnbond will offer all CCM products in China.
August 1, 2020

New Bacoban® representation in the Indian Ocean

The company Nanoprotec from île de la Réunion has taken over the representation of the Bacoban® long-term disinfection products in Réunion Islands, Mauritius & Mayotte. We are very much looking forward to the cooperation.